Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Story

So for my first blog post im going to post a story that I wrote so let me know what you guys think and if you want me your story send it to me and I will pick my favorites and post them. Thanks and enjoy.

                                                            THE STORM

The wind was singing its sad song, and the trees where dancing along. The sky was filled with dark, almost angry looking clouds leaving no proof that it had ever been blue. As Scarlet walked down the abandoned street she could hear the thunder booming in the background as if it desperately wanted to be part of the wind’s song or just drowned it out all together. Scarlet couldn’t think of the last time the weather had acted this way. She knew that everyone would hate it but she didn’t care, because she on the other hand loved it and was planning to spend the entire day outside. She hoped that the clouds would cry and cry with all their might. She hoped that their tears would poor down and swallow her whole. She knew that she would most likely get sick afterwards but she didn’t care because all she wanted to do was spend a day outside, a day to sit outside in the poring rain. A day to watch the lightning as it strikes the earth with all its might. All she wanted was a day without a care in the world and that was exactly what she was going to get. Scarlet didn’t want to spend her care free day alone though she wanted some company, so as she walked she pulled out her cell phone and called her friend Seymour. When Seymour picked up his phone Scarlet told him to meet her at the park by the woods in 20 minutes.

When Scarlet had finally reached the park she saw Seymour sitting on one of the swings. He was facing away from her. As Scarlet walked towards Seymour she noticed that he had on his favorite black beanie, a black sweatshirt, a pair of blue jeans, and his favorite pair of  black vans. Scarlet could also tell that Seymour had his headphones in and was listening to music, most likely secondhand serenade which is his favorite band. Scarlet decided that this would be the perfect time to freak Seymour out for what he had done to her last week. So she lied down on the ground and positioned herself to make is look as if she had tripped over something. When she got into the perfect position she screamed with everything she had to make sure that she could be heard over his music. Then she lied there motionless trying her best to make is seem as if she had been knocked unconscious from the fall. She heard Seymour call her name in a panicked voice. Then she heard the sound of his feet dragging on the rocks as he tried to stop the swing. He called her name once more this time with even more panic in his voice. Scarlet was trying her best not to laugh and was somehow succeeding. She heard his feet pounding against the ground as Seymour ran over to her. She suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder and he rolled her over so that she was facing him.
“Scarlet, come on Scar talk to me!!!!” he said in a shaky voice. Scarlet couldn’t take it anymore she was starting to feel guilty.  
“BOO!!” she screamed at him as she popped out of his hands. He freaked out. He jumped back and screamed. Scarlet though that he may have screamed louder then she had earlier. All the guilt that Scarlet was feeling earlier had suddenly been washed away. She was laughing so hard that she could hardly breathe, she was laughing so hard that her eyes began to water. When she finally stopped laughing Scarlet saw Seymour standing there giving her a stern look but she could tell that he was trying his best not to laugh too.
“Oh come on you know that was funny besides its payback for what you did to me last week” Scarlet said with a smile on her face.
“It was not funny Scar you scared me to death I thought you where hurt really badly, last week was nothing compared to this.”
“Sorry I scared you but I don’t play to get even I play to win,” Scarlet said looking down at the ground, “and come on you know you want to laugh I can see it just admit that it was funny”
“Ok fine it may have been a little bit funny and we’ll just see who wins in the end” Seymour said with a grin the spread ear to ear on his face. Scarlet looked but at the sky.
“Do you think it will rain today” she said giving Seymour a hopeful look.
“You never know it just might” he says with a small grin on his face.  Scarlet lied down on the ground and just looked up at the cold dark sky. Seymour lied down right next to Scarlet. They stayed like that for a while just the two of them lying there looking at the sky watching as the clouds rolled by. As they lay there Scarlet noticed that the boom of the thunder was getting closer and closer. Then she noticed that she could feel the vibration from the lighting hitting the ground. Suddenly a single rain drop fell from the sky and landed right on Scarlet’s cheek. A huge grin spread its self across her face as the clouds finally granted her wish and began to cry. Scarlet stood up and began to dance in the rain. Seymour laughed at her and then he too began to dance. They danced until both of them where soaked head to toe. Seymour suddenly took Scarlet’s hand and led her over to the forest that had created a peninsula type thing around the park. As soon as Seymour and Scarlet had reached the dense forest the sky began to relish its fury. It started to hail. The hail was about quarter size and Scarlet was glad that Seymour had taken her away from the fun she was having in the rain. Then the wind began to pick up and its song went from a sad one to an angry one. The trees no longer seemed like they where dancing now they seemed as if their where fighting. As if they where in a war that would have no winner in the end, a war where all the men would fight till they fell and not a single soul would survive. Then a loud howling sound cut through the air. Scarlet knew this sound well she had heard so many times in her life. It was the sound of the tornado sirens going off. Scarlet turned and looked at Seymour. His eyes grew as he looked at Scarlet. They both knew that they would have no time to make it home or to any type of shelter because the park was so secluded. Their best bet was to run deeper into the forest and pray that the trees would protect them. Seymour once more took Scarlet’s hand. He led her through the forest hoping to keep her safe. They ran and ran and ran the sound of the sirens howling slowly began to fade away. But the further they ran the stronger the wind got and more and more rain poured down from the clouds. The more hail came falling form the heavens above. All Scarlet could her was the sound of the wind, trees falling to the ground, and the twister. She knew it was close and they had little chance of escape. Scarlet tried telling Seymour that they needed to take cover that they needed to get down on the ground and somehow attach them selves to a tree, but her voice was lost to the wind. Suddenly the trees that had just been rooted to the ground in front of them where ripped from the ground. Scarlet knew that the tornado was right in front of them now and that they would be left to the mercy of the storm. Seymour’s grip on Scarlet’s hand tightened. He turned and looked at her. He had the look of protection in his eyes. Seymour suddenly wrapped his arms around Scarlet and pulled her to the ground. He threw his body over her in order to shield Scarlet from the wind, the rain, the hail, the debris from the tornado, and the twister it’s self. As Scarlet lay there the wind blowing and erasing all sound Scarlet thought she heard something over the wind. It sounded like a voice. It sounded like Seymour. It sounded like he said that he loved Scarlet but she couldn’t be sure if that’s was she had heard or not. Scarlet knew that Seymour was in pain she could hear him whimper every time he got hit by something that was flying through the air. She felt bad about it. She didn’t want Seymour going through all that pain for her. It seemed as if the storm went on and on and on and the longer it lasted the heavier Seymour’s bodied seemed to get as if the debris was piling up on his body. As if it was becoming hard for Seymour to hold himself up. Finally the wind came to a stop and the storm has passed.


Scarlet stood in the crowd of people who had gathered on this cold rainy day. She stood there shaking from the wind. She was trying her best not to cry. She lifted her hand and placed it on the black beanie that rested on top of her head. Then she looked down at the black sweatshirt that she was warring. The sweatshirt was way too big for Scarlet but she didn’t care. The hat and the sweatshirt had become Scarlet’s favorite pieces of clothing and she wore them almost every day. The beanie and the sweatshirt belonged to Seymour or at least they had. Scarlet stood there staring at his casket and as she did she couldn’t help but feel that this was all her fault. It was her who wanted to go to the park, it was her who asked Seymour to go along, and it was her who he was protecting when he died. “It should be me in that casket not him, it should be me who’s dead” was all that Scarlet could think. He didn’t deserve this she did but there was nothing she could do now she couldn’t bring him back no matter how bad she wanted to. But as she stood there she made a promise to herself that she would go to that spot in the woods where he had died. She would go everyday and leave Seymour flowers an tell him how sorry she was and how she wished they had more time together and how she loved him too.

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